
Police Arrest Over 60 Including Journalists in March To Parliament

Police in Kampala arrested 65 youths who were marching to Parliament to demonstrate against the high levels of corruption in the country.

Among the arrested were senior photojournalist Hamala Baron Edgar, medical doctor Thomas Kanzira, and media personalities Faiza Salima and Bernard Ewalu. These four activists were apprehended from the Oasis Mall parking lot before hitting the street. They were remanded to Luzira Prison until 31st July on counts of being common nuisances and being idle and disorderly.

Throughout the day, police kept picking up other demonstrators who hit the streets in small mobile groups. A number of them were taken to Central Police Station and later arraigned at Buganda Road Court.

Other activists arrested include Namutyaba Sylvia, Buwembo Habib, Sserunkuma John Bosco, Wafula Ivan, and Namukwaya Hellen. Similarly, Katende Hassan, Mucunguzi Abel, Were Papa Salim, Grace Gift Anita, Dumba Ashton, Speria Mollie, Sempija Ivan, Musiri David, and Matovu Trevor were also remanded until 31st July.

The list goes further to include King Melvin, Kamoga Bruno, Makana Kennedy, Praise Aloikin, Mukwaya Innocent, Otieno George, Kirya Samson, Kwikiriza Nova Gideon, Tayebwa Jonathan, Karungi Hamza, Byakutangaza Ezra, Nipsey E.J., Akiso Benjamin, MC Black, and Nuwagaba Stephen.

Along Dewinton Street, human rights lawyer Nuwenuwe Jeremiah was picked up as he attempted to march. Kato Jeremiah, Kawuma Marvin, Yiga Dennis, Wambi Peter, Wamala Keron Mark, Melanin Keza. Ateenyi Peter, Kagoda Peter Robert, Kule Mbinga Ronald, Angumya Arthur. Allan Shaka Orlando, Kivumbi, Lutaya Jacob Sammy Okanya, Onyango David, Sagala Abdul, and Ntume Dennis. Kobusinge Norah, Mukiibi Isaac, Mwesigwa Alan, Nyirambabazi Jolly. Uncle Dre Latigo, Nuwamanya Arnold, Tsetse N. Kob, Kakama Keith, Sekubunga Haruna, and Nabimanya Clinton.

Shabil Ismail Byaruhanga, Ntegeka Simon, Phiona Apio, Wyclef Odama, Peter Wabwire, and Suzan Bainomugisha were taken to Mbuya Police Station.Esther Tabamubi was picked from her residence but later released by the police.

Parliament in trouble

At the beginning of the year, a number of digital activists with Agora and Public Square unearthed a pattern of irregular expenses by Parliament. This included the Shs 1.7 billion service awards to four backbench Parliamentary Commissioners.

Another irregularity was the unexplained Corporate Social Responsibility Budget for the office of the Speaker. This set the tone for a year where Speaker Anita Among’s house was dogged with corruption scandals.

Currently, five MPs are on remand in Luzira Prison over corruption-related charges. These include Yusuf Mutembuli of Bunyole East and Paul Akamba of Busiki County. Others are Michael Mawanda of Igara East and Cissy Namujju, the Lwengo District Woman MP. Elgon County MP Ignatius Mudimi Wamakuyu is also facing similar charges.

It is with this background that a number of digital activists organized a march to express their disappointment on July 23rd. Despite several warnings from police against the march, activists were seen on the streets of Kampala throughout Tuesday.

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