
Mathias Mpuuga Denies Bribery Allegations, Claims Museveni Can’t Afford to Bribe Opponents

Nyendo-Mukungwe MP Mathias Mpuuga has defended himself over allegations that he received bribes from President Museveni’s government.

The embattled Commissioner of Parliament wondered how the president could afford to bribe individuals.

Mpuuga, who was speaking on Voice of Africa, launched numerous attacks at his party President, Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu.

Mpuuga’s troubles started when an online exhibition on Parliament’s expenditures revealed that he had received a service award of Shs 500 million.

He received a one-off payment alongside Esther Afoyochan (Zombo District Woman – NRM), Prossy Akampulira (Rubanda District Woman – NRM), and Solomon Silwany (Bukooli Central – NRM). The three NRM legislators took home Shs 400 million each, while the former Leader of the Opposition banked Shs 500 million in a one-off personal service award.

Following the revelations, the National Unity Platform took drastic measures, including firing him from his position as Deputy President for the Buganda region. Since the firing, the party has been rocked with disagreements as factions in support of Mpuuga and Bobi Wine disagreed.

Mpuuga maintains innocence

However, Mpuuga maintains his innocence, saying Parliament paid him ex gratia for his exceptional service as Leader of Opposition in Parliament. He says Bobi Wine is using the situation to score political points, accusing him of dishonesty.

“How do you say someone is corrupt and you don’t take them to court, but instead keep talking about it out of tongues? This is something I cannot comprehend.” said Mathias Mpuuga.

Mpuuga says the leadership in Kavuule has lost the mission of trying to character assassinate him. Additionally, he called upon them to accept criticism about how they run the party. He accused Bobi Wine and his leadership of trying to push him out of the party because he is more credible than them.

“Those who are hounding me know without a shred of a doubt that I am confident. They know I am more confident than them. They also know that the country is looking for leaders like me.” said Mathias Mpuuga.

The former Democratic Party member also blew his trumpet, saying the respect he has within the corridors of power scares Mr. Kyagulanyi.

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